The beginning is the hardest part.
I always struggle at the beginning. Whether it is writing a sermon, or deciding how to start a video, or figuring out the best place to jump in at the start of a project, I always struggle.
So it makes sense that starting this new blog (and website) would be a bit of a struggle for me.
I’ve actually had “new website” on my to-do list for over a year now. My old website was neither attractive or functional, and I was pretty much over it. I didn’t have a plan for the new website, but I knew I wanted one that could grow with me as I expand what I offer out into the interweb.
If I wasn’t such a master at #procraftination I think I would have had this new website up months ago, but then again, if I had I probably wouldn’t be, you know, me.
At least it is up now.
I’m going to be creating posts over the next few weeks to tie in with my old lettering videos and worksheets as well as the Lettering Every Damn Day challenge prompts. I also plan to start adding in, here and there, some blog posts chatting about my life, the challenges I face, and my plans for the future.

Printable for this found on my Patreon.
But for now, I want to leave you with two things. The first is a preview of what is to come on this website:
- A central place to find my lettering worksheets and challenge prompts;
- A blog series on living with polycystic kidney disease (PKD) as a mom of teenagers, including recipes, rants, and other rubbish;
- My online printable store (!!!);
- and more that I haven’t told you about yet… Shhhhhhh…
The second thing I want to leave you with is some encouragement: just begin. Whatever it is that you have been putting off, whatever it is that you’ve been avoiding because it is hard or scary… Just begin. I’m right there with you.
Until next time, peace out girl scouts,
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